Benefits of Joining
An invitation to the annual conference and AGM with International speakers and Glass suppliers, as well as to a Spring Lecture.
An opportunity to take part in Guild Exhibitions which are held regularly both in London and the regions.
A network of Regional branches all of whom hold regular workdays and branch exhibitions.
A quarterly newsletter containing up to date information on what's happening in the world of Glass, articles by guest contributors, news from the branches, letters from members.
Details of classes and courses, upcoming events covering all aspects of glass/art and a list of glass and equipment suppliers.
Access to a network of experienced engravers on glass, all of whom are willing to help with information and advice.
Membership is worldwide and open to anyone interested in engraved glass.
The Guild always welcomes new members who have, or wish to develop, an interest in glass engraving. There are four categories of membership. Lay members who may or may not practise engraving. Craft Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows attain these grades of membership through assessment and election within the Guild.
The Cost of Joining
Join Online Now or complete a Membership Application Form
Click here to see how you can support the Guild of Glass Engravers.