The Guild is the foremost charity dedicated solely to the art of glass engraving and we are very lucky to have the support of loyal members, friends and donors. This support is invaluable to ensure we can continue and expand our activities and there are many ways in which you can help:
• Donate to the Guild - You can donate directly to the Guild by linking to PayPal and entering as the email address
• Shop Online - Did you know you could be collecting free donations for the Guild of Glass Engravers every time you shop online with Easy Fundraising? We have also recently set up an AmazonSmile account for the Guild. When you shop at Amazon you can choose to have 0.5% of your purchase value donated to the Guild. You will need to do a search for The Guild of Glass Engravers in the list of charities supported and you will be prompted to purchase through Amazon Smile when you visit the website. Again, there is no additional cost for the purchaser so we hope you will choose to support us next time you shop with Amazon.
• Gift Aid your donation - Gift Aid is a way for charities such as the Guild to increase the value of monetary gifts from UK taxpayers by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by the donor on the donation. It can increase the value of donations at no extra cost to you if you are eligible for Gift Aid.
• Join online as a member or friend, whether a practising engraver or not.
• Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and make sure your friends do too!
• Leave a Legacy - a gift to the Guild of Glass Engravers can be made in your Will to support the work of the Guild in the future. We highly recommend that your Will be drafted either by a professional Will Writer or Solicitor. A professional Will Writer can be found by contacting the Institute of Professional Willwriters or call 0345 257 2570.