Franziska Lorenz

Personal Information:

Name: Franziska Lorenz

Date of Birth: 13.07.2004

Nationality: German

Adress: Lenau 17, 94227 Zwiesel, Germany


Phone number: +49 15155245895

I am a highly motivated, adaptable and responsible person who enjoys working with glass. I like to engage in teamwork, there I can cleverly contribute my skills to the group. I´m open to new things and techniques to entrance my overall skills. The most important thing is to keep educating yourself.


About my Work:

The Intention behind my work was to create a combination of deeply engraved (Intaglio) and lightly incised motives that have been polished with different tools.

This should represent a dome with several different things like a sun on top, poison bottles or bodies. Those are supposed to reflect a kind of dream world or something that is playing in your head. Negative as well as good. Many small elements made with the drill are on the glass. They are connected with a sun in the middle, which is deep engraved and polished. It should bring hope to your thoughts.

What I want to express with my piece is, that many people have a lot of things going through their heads, such as the sadness – expressed by the woman with the cloud, anger or grief – represented by the poison bottle, happiness - shown by the sun, love - shown through hearts and inner peace that is shown by the bottle with the inscription „dream“ on it.

Society often pushes you into self- doubt.

My message with this piece overall was to show that everyone has their own individual dreams on which you should never give up on, even if other people tell you to do so.

„Life is like a game but you can decide for yourself which cards you lay“


The Engraving:

"Feelings" is 11cm tall and 21cm wide

It was engraved with superficial and deep engraving on 16-02-2023 using diamond and polishing wheels.

Photographers: Lee and Reitberger


Click on any image to see a larger version

 Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (1) Image 1
 Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (2) Image 2
 Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (3) Image 3
Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (4) Image 4
Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (5) Image 5
Franziska Lorenz - Feelings (6) Image 6